Transnational Citizens’ Assembly on End-of-Life Decisions

Dec 6th 6th 2022 2:30 pm

Tuesday, 6th of December – 3.00 PM to 5.30 PM CET
℅ European Economic and Social Committee – Rue Belliard – Bruxelles


No matter who you are, what your job is, if you are an expert or if you are a person who likes to articulate arguments and engage in a meaningful exchange with other people: the Transnational European Assembly is an experiment you want to be a part of.

Organized by a group of pan-European civil society organizations* the Transnational European  Assembly will take place on the 6th of December from 2.30 PM to 5.30 PM in Brussels. The assembly aims to bring together people that wish to change the current  policy and regulations in place regarding end-of-life decisions, and want to discuss how EU-rules should look like to ensure the right to self-determination and that decision-making on individual bodies is treated as a fundamental right in all European Union Member States, starting from the recommendations set by the citizens’ panels of the Conference on the Future of Europe (source):

We recommend the EU should support palliative care and assisted death [euthanasia] following a concrete set of rules and regulations. We recommend this because it would reduce the pain of the patients and families and it would ensure a decent end of life”
[recommendation 24 from the citizens’ panels of the Conference on the Future of Europe]

In particular, the Assembly will aim to gain consensus on a declaration to cover three main areas, which will be discussed in smaller groups:

  • Decisions on refusals of treatments and access to palliative care
  • Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: legislations on voluntary death with medical support
  • Living Will and End of Life Decisions within and among different EU Member States

Does it seem like a daunting task? No worries – the session will be facilitated by subject matter experts and a professional facilitator.

This Assembly is designed to ensure the maximum level of participation from all groups of people living in Brussels. And no specific knowledge of the current regulations is needed to partake in the assembly.

Together, we will work on the proposals conceived during the Transnational European Assembly. They will be transformed into recommendations to be used to influence the European election manifestos of political parties, and for organisations and grassroots movements to more strongly advocate for what will be deliberated.

Some of the participants in the Transnational European  Assembly will, later on, join in the TRANSEUROPA Festival organized in November 2023 in Cluj, Romania, which aims at bringing culture and politics closer together.

The scientific and legal content of the Assembly will be curated in collaboration with the legal team of Associazione Luca Coscioni per la libertà di Ricerca Scientifica APS (ALC). Lawyers and ALC board memebrs Dr. Francesca Re and Alessia Cicatelli will be present as well as Lawyer Claudia Pisi, Eumans Board Member and curator of the project for the European Living Will.

– Before and after the Transeuropa Assembly the coalition Citizens Take Over Europe will present and collect feedback on its “European Citizens Assembly Blueprint”, a crowd-sourcing-based process aiming at influence the decisions of the EU institutions on how to further involve citizens in sortition-based citizens panels on the basis of the experience of the Conference on the Future of Europe.


To ensure the best experience for all the participants in the Assembly there is a maximum of 70 participants allowed.
Criteria of selection will be applied to ensure diversity in the background and profiles of the participants.

In order to be a part of the Transeuropa Citizens Assembly on the 6th of December, fill this form . You will receive a confirmation of the application after your submission and we will confirm to all of you the logistical information in a few days.


The Transnational Citizens Assembly on End of Life Decisions is organised by EUMANS – paneuropean movement of popular initiative for democracy, freedom and sustainability. The project is co-funded by the European Union.

Partners in the project are: European Alternatives (organisers of the project “Assemblies of Solidarity” in 2021/2022, holding  21 citizens assemblies across the Eu), the coalition Citizens Take Over Europe (which acted as a watch-dog for the Conference on the Future of Europe and is leading a process to design the Blueprint for a European Citizens Assembly), the coalition Politici Per Caso, who is active in Italy for the institutionalisation of citizens assemblies, Science for Democracy and Associazione Luca Coscioni, which are among the European leading expert on the application of the right to science as a fundamental right.

The Assembly is a module of the full day event “(Digital) Democracy is a human right. Design it, Implement it, Experience it.”

European Economic and Social Committee
Go to event page Organised by CTOE
Transnational Citizens’ Assembly on End-of-Life Decisions