CTOE updates

In April, CTOE launched its Democratic Manifesto, with 10 major democratic demands that - according to the many civil society organisations that are part of CTOE - are of essence in order to push the democracy of the European Union forward. We now – in a timely manner – compared the 2024 European Party manifestos with our 10 democratic points. 
The Conference on the Future of Europe has ended, but the hard work has only just begun. A significant number of the 49 Conference proposals require treaty change to be fully implemented and in order to do justice to these proposals, the European Parliament is currently preparing an official proposal for amendment of the treaties, calling for a Convention to be convened. We outline four key ingredients for a successful EU Convention. 
The second birthday of our coalition Citizens Take Over Europe is approaching. And we will celebrate it on the 7th of May in Strasbourg during the Strasbourg Summit organized by the Federalists movements. During our debate “Convention for a people-powered Europe: The future of democratic participation” we will discuss the need for a European Convention and how the Conference on the Future of Europe can become the kick-off for the democratization of the EU.