Jul 1st
1st 2021
7:00 pm
Europe depends on workers moving. Whether they are making deliveries, harvesting fruits and vegetables, caring for elderly people, working in construction, lawyers, doctors, researchers or in many other kinds of work. People who move to a country in Europe are essential to the wellbeing of everyone.
Mobile workers are more at risk of exploitation, less likely to be well represented by trade unions and national authorities, and have many specific needs when it comes to information, to social protection and access to health services, to secure housing and the possibility of crossing borders to care for their families.
Mobile workers are more at risk of exploitation, less likely to be well represented by trade unions and national authorities, and have many specific needs when it comes to information, to social protection and access to health services, to secure housing and the possibility of crossing borders to care for their families.
European Alternatives and Another Europe Is Possible gather together migrant workers, workers’ collectives, trade unions and NGOs fighting for the rights of migrant workers from inside and outside the EU. Together we not only want to articulate problems and demands, but also formulate policy recommendations to strengthen the rights of migrant workers.
Our third event from the series focuses on the issues of exploitation with agricultural workers in Europe’s food industries.
Dorothea Biaback Anong (Researcher at the University of Applied Sciences & Arts Hildesheim)

Moderates: Georg Blokus (European Alternatives)
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European Alternatives & Another Europe is Possible