Dear President Von der Leyen, dear President Metsola, dear President Macron,
The Russian war against Ukraine and the unprecedented rise of the extreme right in the French presidential election have shown us once again how important it is to defend and develop civil liberties and democracy for the benefit of all. This is what the Conference on the Future of Europe set out to contribute to. Despite its many limitations, the Conference has been an important exercise, showing how EU politics can be done differently if only there is the political will to do so. In order to ensure that the EU institutions walk the talk, it is essential that all possible instruments are used in order to follow up on the Conference outcomes. With this letter, we call on you to take the lead in your respective institutions to launch a Convention, and to do so in the most inclusive and participatory manner possible.
With this letter, we call on you to take the lead in your respective institutions to launch a Convention, and to do so in the most inclusive and participatory manner possible.
The Conference on the Future of Europe is about to conclude on 9 May 2022, but the work has only just begun. A significant number of the 49 proposals coming out of the Conference require EU treaty change in order to be implemented. We are aware that changing the EU treaties is not an easy affair, as it requires consensus among all national governments at the end of the process, as well as ratification by all EU member states. Notwithstanding the challenges, EU and national politicians need to demonstrate the political courage and conviction in order to deliver the fundamental change the EU needs.
In order to prevent a repetition of past mistakes, EU and national institutions need to involve ordinary people and organised civil society at every step in the process of developing and agreeing on EU constitutional reform. The Conference has shown this to be possible, while needing improvement, notably with regard to the inclusion of people from marginalised communities, visibility and public engagement. Only in this way can we ensure a Convention process that a large and diverse segment of the EU population will engage with and ensure outcomes that people feel ownership of.
We count on you to rise to the challenge and to show political and democratic leadership at this crucial time in EU and global history!
81 signatories (full list below): 33 Conference Plenary Members , 46 civil society organisations, other MEPs.
33 Conference Plenary members:
Alessandro Alfieri, representative national parliament Italy
Alexandrina Najmowicz, representative civil society
Alin Mituta, representative European Parliament (Renew)
Andreas Schieder, representative European Parliament (S&D)
Bogdan Klich, representative national parliament Poland
Brando Benifei, representative European Parliament (S&D)
Carles Puigdemont, representative European Parliament (NI)
Claudia Gamon, representative European Parliament (Renew)
Damian Boeselager, representative European Parliament (Greens/EFA)
Danuta Huebner, representative European Parliament (EPP)
Danuta Jazlowiecka, representative national parliament Poland
Dimitrios Papadimoulis, representative European Parliament (The Left)
Dorin Hell, representative European Citizens’ Panel 3
Dragan Volarević, representative European Citizens’ Panel 4
Eleonora Evi, representative European Parliament (Greens/EFA)
Hajnalka Kozmáné Gombkötő, representative European Citizens’ Panel 2
Helmut Scholz, representative European Parliament (The Left)
Joy Clara Schäflein, representative European Citizens’ Panel 2
Krasimir Zlatinov, representative European Citizens’ Panel 4
Laura Maria Cinquini, representative European Citizens’ Panel 4
María Eugenia Rodríguez Palop, representative European Parliament (The Left)
Markéta Gregorová, representative European Parliament (Greens/EFA)
Michalakis Asimakis, representative European Citizens’ Panel 2
Niklas Nienaß, representative European Parliament (Greens/EFA)
Nora Mebarek, representative European Parliament (S&D)
Pascal Durand, representative European Parliament (Renew)
Péter Csákai-Szőke, representative European Citizens’ Panel 4
Sandro Gozi, representative European Parliament (Renew)
Stephanie Hartung, representative National Citizens’ Panel and/or Conference events Germany
Tommy Kofoed Larsen, representative European Citizens’ Panel 2
Troels de Leon Petersen, representative European Citizens’ Panel 3
Valentina Balzani, representative European Citizens’ Panel 2
Vasco Fernandes, representative European Citizens’ Panel 1
46 civil society organisations:
Alpe Adria Green International
Another Europe
Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCSDN)
Bulgarian Center for Not-for-Profit Law
Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS
Citizens for Europe
Citizens Take Over Europe
Compassion in World Farming EU
Culture Action Europe
Danubiana Network
Debating Europe
Democracy International
ECIT Foundation
European Alternatives
European Credit Initiative
European Federation of National Organisations Working with people experiencing Homelessness (FEANTSA)
European House
European Movement Italy
European Network on Religion & Belief
European Public Sphere
Europa-Union Deutschland
Greek Forum of Refugees
Gruppo di Volpedo
Inovactive Center for Social Improvement
Institute for Strategic Studies, Poland
Instituut Maatschappelijke Innovatie
Internationales Kulturzentrum Achberg e.V.
Meer Democratie Netherlands
Mehr Demokratie e.V.
mehr demokratie! Österreich
Music Theatre International
New Europeans International
Più Democrazia Italia
Positive Money Europe
Pulse of Europe e.V.
Pulse of Europe Munich
Pulse of Europe Rosenheim
Stand Up for Europe asbl
Stiftung Jeder Mensch e.V.
The ECI Campaign
The Good Lobby
other MEPs:
Karen Melchior, representative European Parliament (Renew)
Martina Michels, representative European Parliament (The Left)
Sign this letter here!