Speak up
We are campaigning, advocating and mobilising citizens and activists across Europe. Each week, we come together to discuss the progress of our efforts.
There are different ways in which you can participate in our public consultations, surveys and petitions:

1. Consultations & Surveys
Consultations and surveys are a simple and direct communication tool we use to get to know YOU! This is a space where you can express your thoughts and concerns about the future of Europe. This data is further used in our advocacy work, to shape the future that we want to create as citizens.
2. Petitions
Our petitions are formal written requests co-signed and supported by the CTOE coalition appealing to EU authorities in respect of particular causes in the themes of our priorities. Our aim is to provide a system and substantial change providing diversity of perspectives on European issues.
3. European Citizens Initiatives (ECIs)
We are supporting the ECIs launched by members of our coalition on different matters, from climate change, to the right to vote and the freedom of expression. An ECI is a participatory democracy instrument that allows citizens to suggest concrete legal changes in any field where the European Commission has the power to propose legislation. Once an initiative gathers one million signatures with minimum thresholds reached in at least seven countries, the European Commission must decide whether or not to take action.
4. Humans of the EU
Humans of the E.U. presents stories, photographs, dialogues excerpts and words of those directly involved in the European project. The storytelling nuance here is that the visuals and stories are not about peoples’ jobs, but about themselves ‘outside of their roles’ . This nuance is also the reason why the project steers away from conveying or representing commercial or political goals. Discover more about Humans of the EU and how you can be part of it here:
We are campaigning, advocating and mobilising citizens and activists across Europe. Each week, we come together to discuss the progress of our efforts.
There are different ways in which you can organise events or actions as part of CTOE:
Organise & Participate
Our Assemblies of Solidarity are a series of citizens-led engagement moments and events aiming at connecting groups that are disproportionately affected by Covid-19. The assemblies consists of a series of events and participatory moments co-created and co-organised by citizens to raise awareness on key topics related to:
- Democracy and fundamental rights.
- Social Europe and Health.
- Environment and climate change.
If you are interested in organising an assembly of solidarity in your city or town, please get in touch with us at info@citizenstakeover.eu

What you’d get by organising an assembly of solidarity?
- Transnational european perspective.
- Support on dissemination and communication.
- Guidelines and tips to run a successful and inclusive assembly.
- Suggestions of innovative engagement formats, fostering the relationships and dialogue between citizens throughout Europe.
- Note: we give compensation, not at your own cost Participate in our video series.
You think Europe is a great project but any time we speak about it people either get mad or seem bored? You wish to be able to travel freely in Europe and meet other Europeans? Or on the contrary you hope to be able to stay in your country while having a job you genuinely enjoy?
Generation D-Liberation
With Generation D-Liberation, Citizens Takeover Europe and European Alternatives welcome you to show that all Europeans – including youth – have the right and the wish to say what the future of Europe should look like.
We invite you to organise your own citizen deliberation, with friends or whoever you want to involve to gather together your recommendations for the future of Europe. Because youth are the first and foremost part of the population who will be directly impacted – later – by decisions we make now!

You want to be involved?
We have drafted for you a clear methodology to help you organise your deliberation assembly, about crucial topics for the future such as: education and training in Europe, climate change, mental health, work space, anti-discrimination, migrants’ rights or any other topic that you think is important.
Easy to organise
A deliberative assembly is a small group of people who meet either online or in person: friends, acquaintances, your cousin, your neighbors…you can invite whoever you want as long as they are maximum 20 years old. Each assembly lasts between 30 minutes to several hours. The goal is simple: you have to agree on 3 (min) to 5 (max) main recommendation about the future of Europe and submit them by email at paris@euroalter.com
What happens to your recommendations?
In March 2022, your recommendations will be discussed over 3 international online meetings that include Members of the European Parliament. The outcome of those discussions will be presented during a closing conference in France in May/June 2022 and also shared on the online platform of the Conference on the Future of Europe. The goal is to make sure that YOUR voice is at the centre of European political decisions!
To get started:
– check the methodology of how to run an assembly – DOWNLOAD
– if you have any questions, you can email us at paris@euroalter.com or DM us on Instagram: @european_alternatives
Join us
We are campaigning, advocating and mobilising citizens and activists across Europe. Each week, we come together to discuss the progress of our efforts. There are different ways in which you can join our coalition and contribute to our work:

Join the coalition as an organization
The Citizens Take Over Europe coalition and process are meant to be as open as possible to individuals and civil society organizations that have the expertise, the experience, the networks or the creativity required to support the self-organization of a European Citizens’ Conference as a response to the ambiguous and delayed Conference on the Future of Europe.
For organizations who wish to formally join the coalition, the steps are as follows:
- Submission of the form below outlining your motivation to join
- Participation in an Online Introductory Session about the Citizens Take Over Europe coalition (twice monthly), its objectives, its activities, its structures and working groups.
- Formal application to the coalition outlining the contribution your organization can commit to.
- Formal approval by the current coordinating partners of the coalition.
Join a working group as an individual
Citizens, activists and residents interested in supporting the daily work of the Coalition, can contact directly the coordinators of our working groups. Find out more about our WG here.
Join a local group as an individual
Citizens, activists and residents of Europe interested in organizing locally as part of a local group to activate your city for a citizens-centered democracy can leave their details in the form. We will answer within a week.