It is alarming in this context that the role of the European Parliament appears to be weaker and weaker in the discussion over Europe’s future direction, and political debate across the continent is taking place in national bubbles, but also without the national parliaments having a very important role in most cases.
To members of the Special Committee on the European Democracy Shield
Citizens Take Over Europe calls on each of the European Institutions to reinforce inclusive and participatory democratic procedures, transparency and accountability over the coming years, and steadfastly promote and defend fundamental rights and the rule of law both inside the European Union and outside.
In an era where democracy is under siege across the globe, the European Parliament stands as a beacon of hope and a stalwart defender of democratic values and the rule of law. Now more than ever, it is imperative that we fortify our commitment to democracy by spearheading a transformative initiative: the creation of the first Democracy Intergroup.
Citizens Take Over Europe calls for a leap forward in the democratisation of the European Union.
On 12 December, the General Affairs Council stated that the “overwhelming majority of the conference proposals and measures [of the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFE)] have been implemented or are in the process of being implemented”. The Council,…
Change is needed, but we must include citizens!
Oct 13th
Open letter to the European Commission: Stand by your commitment to the European Citizens’ Initiative
We, the undersigned civil society organizations dedicated to the promotion of European democracy and its foundational values, write to you today with an unequivocal and urgent message.
We, the European Movement in Italy and the Italian Platform on the future of Europe, with the following citizens and civil society organizations, strongly ask the European Parliament to organize a special “agora” in time before the debate and the vote in the plenary session on the reform of the European Union.
Citizens Take Over Europe supports and endorses the petition for treaty reform initiated by the Union of European Federalists and the Citizens’ Panel Ambassadors of the Conference on the Future of Europe.