Dear President, Dear MEPs,
During the Conference on the future of Europe the European citizens and the representatives of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have demonstrated that there are aware about the European dimension and that participatory democracy is an essential added value to reach the goal of a more united Europe.
We, the European Movement in Italy and the Italian Platform on the future of Europe, with the following citizens and civil society organizations, strongly ask the European Parliament to organize a special “agora” in time before the debate and the vote in the plenary session on the reform of the European Union.
The 800 European citizens, the representative of CSOs, the Social partners, the delegates of the EESC and the Committee of Regions have to take an active part in this special “agora”, debate and deliberate on the coherence between the final recommendations of the CoFE and the EP proposals to go beyond the Treaty of Lisbon opening the way to a constituent process after the European elections.
Best regards
17 July 2023
Signed by the following Ambassadors of the CoFE:
- Alicandro Chiara
- Barone Paolo
- Cinquini Laura Maria
- Raso Ivo
- Sellerino Antonio
Signed by the following civil society organizations:
- Citizens Take Over Europe
- Cultural Association Music Theatre International, Sarcina Paola
- Europe for Scotland, Pisauro Andrea
- European Alternatives
- European Movement in Montenegro
- European Movement Italy
- European Movement North Macedonia
- European Movement Poland
- European Movement Spain
- European Movement Switzerland
- Italian Platform on the future of Europe
- Natura Comune
- The Good Lobby
- Tous Elus, Fortassin Audrey