Priorities and aspirations

Our priorities and aspirations are based on the following principles:

1. Democracy and fundamental rights

Advocacy and policy

  • How to ensure representative and equal participation in democratic deliberations of the European Union and in the CoFoE?
  • How can we work maximizing opportunities for interaction, deliberation and collaboration among people from different countries?

Anti-Racism and against discrimination

  • Systemic racism and individual responsibility: how can we make the EU democratic process more inclusive of diasporas and ethnic minorities?
  • We are working with EU institutions and European democracies responsibility for inclusivity within the EU not making colonisation just an external problem.

Migrants rights

  • Migrants and refugee rights and border controls from an outside of the EU perspective.
  • Ending distinction between EU citizenship and nationality.

Human rights

  • Women-dominated work spaces: Has the Covid-19 pandemic re-shifted perceptions and value of the Care sector?
    Fighting corruption at institutional level
  • LGBTIQ+ community navigating hetero-normative spaces: surviving strategies, health and workers’ rights
  • Breaking the ceiling: joining forces between women’s rights and LGBTIQ+ rights

2. Well-being and health in Europe

While the impact of Covid-19 continues to damage our societies, we aim to put people first by rethinking health and safety, trade and finance, and labor and social policy. We explore new proposals to implement a new paradigm of care, prosperity, and public health across borders.

  • Health Unions, Healthcare workers and Workers rights: protecting precarious workers, health, safety and decent pay for essential workers; working conditions of agricultural workers; and protection of young workers’ rights.
  • Minimum wage: are EU-wide minimum wage a step towards better living conditions in the EU?

3. Environment and climate change

Climate change and environmental degradation are an existential threat to Europe and the world. To overcome these challenges, Europe needs a new growth grassroots strategy that will transform the Union into a modern, resource-efficient continent. We believe in a Green New Deal for Europe that makes this needed transition in a just and inclusive way for all.

  • We are supporting the ECI Stop Global
  • We are focusing on legal legal recognition and protection of climate refugees.

Publications & Blueprints

We are writing and designing policy blueprints to transform the institutions that impact our lives, our communities, and the planet.


Building a Permanent European Citizens Assembly Together

Citizens in the Conference on the Future of Europe have called for regular citizen assemblies as a meaningful part of the EU policy process (plenary proposal 36.7). To contribute to the discussion of how this should be achieved, Citizens Take Over Europe (CTOE) presents this draft blueprint as the basis for a crowdsourced document, and as a stimulus for further public debate.

Blueprint for a European Citizens Assembly

European citizens consistently demand more possibilities for being heard on the European level. They want to have a say in the creation of European policies. A permanent European citizens’ assembly would be an audacious move towards the building – and vitalizing - of European democracy.

CoFoE: strenghtening citizens recommendations on Democracy and Participation

CTOE partners have carefully selected certain recommendations of the Citizens' panel 2 of the CoFoE, which specifically deal with reinforcing democracy and citizens’ participation. We have strenghtened these recommendations to offer a different perspective, as well as further inspire the discussions at the Conference plenary.

Generation D-Liberation: Assembly toolkit

This is a toolkit to help youth assemblies to discuss their ideas for the future of Europe. It can be used by classes, in large groups of up to 40 people, or just by a few students who want to discuss together. We’ve tried to make it as flexible and adaptable as possible. We want to encourage and empower you to organise and campaign for your ideas in your home towns, but also across borders in Europe. So we will be in contact with you following your assembly with suggestions, ideas, resources and opportunities!

What’s in an experiment? : Opportunities and risks for the Conference on the Future of Europe

This brief gathers together proposals put forward by participants in the EUI-STG transnational democracy forum with diverse areas of expertise (in academia, think tanks, policy, NGOs, journalism); and it therefore serves as a document of collective suggestions and agenda-setting for the academic year 2021-22.

Our Voices for the Future of Europe: CTOE Consultation Report

On the eve of the ‘Conference on the Future of Europe’, we have asked three sets of questions: Which sentiments prevail among our civil society partners regarding the future of Europe? What visions do we, the actively engaged citizens surveyed from 10 EU Member States, share regarding the future of the EU? And how do we want the EU to enable citizens to participate in shaping our common future?