We, the European Movement in Italy and the Italian Platform on the future of Europe, with the following citizens and civil society organizations, strongly ask the European Parliament to organize a special “agora” in time before the debate and the vote in the plenary session on the reform of the European Union.
Citizens Take Over Europe supports and endorses the petition for treaty reform initiated by the Union of European Federalists and the Citizens’ Panel Ambassadors of the Conference on the Future of Europe.
In view of the many remaining deficiencies in the application of the ECI and the low use of this instrument, Citizens Take Over Europe demands a deep reform of this democratic innovation so as to properly empower EU citizens.
Citizens Take Over Europe supports and endorses the petition for treaty reform initiated by the Union of European Federalists and the Citizens’ Panel Ambassadors of the Conference on the Future of Europe.
Members of the Citizens Take Over Europe coalition have observed the ECP on food waste. We present the following critiques and recommended changes.
The ‘self-inflicted damage’ must prompt EU political leaders to use the integrity stress-test as a springboard for real reform.