
Citizens Take Over Europe emerged in the spring 2020 amidst the recent Covid-19 pandemia, in which we recognized how much the lack of European democracy is deeply affecting our lives.

We, as Europeans, will not passively witness again in the future the dismantling of our Union because of intergovernmental logic and internal conflicts. The EU’s democratic deficit undermines not only its legitimacy but also the capacity of EU member states to tackle today’s challenges. We call for an ambitious institutional reform to reshape the Europe of tomorrow.
We are writing to you at the outset of what we hope will be a historical semester of the European Union. The EU is at a crossroads in its history: the need for the European Union to transform into a social, sustainable, democratic, and citizen-led project is greater than ever before. This is why we, citizens and civil society organisations from across Europe, are calling on you to make true the promise of the proposed Conference on the Future of Europe to guide the EU out of the many crises with which it is confronted.