
Citizens Take Over Europe emerged in the spring 2020 amidst the recent Covid-19 pandemia, in which we recognized how much the lack of European democracy is deeply affecting our lives.

On the week of 9th of May, Europe Day, at Citizens Take Over Europe we are organising a series of online events in cooperation with all the members of the coalition, taking place across Europe, online, and in different languages. Starting on the 4th of May, our message with these events is one and is clear: we want a conference on the future of Europe that truly puts citizens at the centre and pays attention to our demands.
EU SIGN DAY is a self-organised initiative climaxing on the 9th of May 2021 that aims to inform as many European Citizens as possible about their right to shape the future of Europe with one (or more signatures) on the European Citizens Initiative.
The project is coordinated by European Alternatives, the Citizens Take Over Europe coalition, and their member’s network which brings together more than 50 civil society organisations from across Europe to prepare for and engage with the Conference on the Future of Europe.